You Can Help
Whilst the building is complete and now open to the public, we are still seeking funding for additional internal fit-out including things like additional equipment and furnishings for the coffee shop.
Maybe you could make and sell something or get sponsored for a fun activity ? – bungee jumping, skydiving, a toddler toddle, scooting, cycling, hopping, running, skipping or maybe simply walking round a circuit.
And you could nominate MCRG as your charity of choice at a major fundraising event, e.g. the Kiltwalk. Whatever you do we’d love some pics and we’ll create a gallery to inspire and entertain everyone!
You can make a donation
Via a bank deposit
You can make payments into the Monifieth Community Resource Group account held at:
Virgin Money
7/8 High Street
Account number and sort code information for making a one off bank transfer or setting up a regular standing order are also available - just contact MCRG for those details.